Susana García-Cerro

Neurobiologist and Senior Postdoctoral Researcher

Susana García-Cerro is a neurobiologist and Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital and the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS). Passionate about neuroscience and science in general, she has dedicated the last 13 years to researching the neurobiology of cognition and memory in various neuropathologies, as well as exploring new therapeutic strategies. Since 2016, she has focused on translational psychiatry, investigating cognitive processes related to conditions such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder and their pharmacological treatment. Currently, she leads projects on “Characterization of psychotropic drugs and their mechanisms of action: Clozapine” and “Alterations in early postnatal neurogenesis and inflammation in mouse models of Maternal Immune Activation” in the Translational Psychiatry group, led by psychiatrist Benedicto Crespo-Facorro.

Susana holds a PhD in Biomedicine and Molecular Biology from the University of Cantabria (2015), where her doctoral thesis was awarded the XVII Juan María Parés Social Council Research Prize. She has completed postdoctoral stays at the University of Lisbon (2023), the University of Cantabria (2019), the University of Chile (Ibero-America Scholarship from Banco Santander, 2018), and the University of Barcelona (2016-2017). She has worked with companies such as F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Janssen Cilag, S.A., and Araclon Biotech S.L. (Grifols). Additionally, she has collaborated as a lecturer at the University of Barcelona (“Experimental Pharmacogenomics”) and the University of Seville (Medical Research: Clinical and Experimental).

Outside of work, Susana enjoys mountain activities, hiking, and analog photography ( She is also a notable former swimmer with an Absolute Record of Cantabria in the 50-meter butterfly (2002-2016) and has over 12 years of experience practicing yoga. Her main motivation: curiosity, learning, and personal growth.

To contact Dr. García-Cerro with questions or collaboration proposals, please email


  • Doctora en Biomedicina y Biología Molecular (Universidad de Cantabria, 2015)
  • Universitat de Barcelona (2016-2017)
  • Universidad de Chile (Beca Iberoamérica del Banco Santander, 2018)
  • Ha trabajado como investigadora postdoctoral en la Universidad de Cantabria (2019)